Ambiguous beliefs`` are beliefs which are inconsistent with a unique, additive prior. The problem of their update in face of new information has been dealt with in the theoretical literature, and received several contradictory answers. In particular, the ``maximum likelihood update`` and the ``full Bayesian update`` have been axiomatized. This experimental study attempts to test the descriptive validity of these two theories by using the Ellsberg experiment framework.
Keywords. Decision Making, Uncertainty, Capacities, Updating, Conditioning rules.
The paper is available in the following formats:
Authors addresses: Michele Cohen
Itzack Gilboa
Jean-Yves Jaffray
D. Schmeidler
E-mail addresses:
Michèle Cohen | cohenmd@univ-paris1.fr |
Itzack Gilboa | gilboa@econ.tau.ac.il |
Jean-Yves Jaffray | Jean-Yves.Jaffray@lip6.fr |
David Schmeidler | schmeid@post.tau.ac.il |